MITOS was founded as a spin-off company from the Institute of X-ray Physics at the Technical University of Munich [Germany] with the vision to develop powerful reconstruction software, to support industry with novel and state-of-the-art X-ray inspections and to transfer theoretical knowledge from latest research into practical industrial applications.
is one of the co-founders of MITOS and expert for X-ray inspections. His research focus was on grating-based imaging methods like dark-field radiography and phase-contrast tomography.
is one of the co-founders of MITOS and expert for CT image reconstruction. His research focus was on spectral imaging methods and detector development.
is the chief software developer of MITOS. His research focus was on highly-efficient algorithms for statistical iterative reconstruction.
is software developer at MITOS. His research focus was on advanced algorithms for data processing and image reconstruction.
is head of the Institute of X-ray Physics at the TU Munich. He received several highly renowned awards and prizes for his scientific contributions to X-ray imaging, among others the Latsis price and the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize.
is one of the leading scientists at the Institute of X-ray physics at TU Munich and has many years of experience in the field of X-ray imaging.
leads the research group 'Advanced Computed Tomography Imaging' at the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the TU Munich. His contributions to the area of iterative reconstruction include a great number of high quality publications.